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Create your business plan

Créer son business plan

The assurance of getting the right financing

From the birth of your idea to the choice of an investor, we offer coaching sessions to develop your business plan. With a rhythm adapted to your needs, we co-build your dream project:

  • Accompanying upstream and downstream of the proposal
  • Prototype board
  • Identification of good / relevant figures
  • Validation of the coherence of the business plan
  • Challenger the business model (HR, financial …)

The advice of an expert: 10 mistakes of beginner not to commit when one opens his company by Guy Kawasaki :

Error n°1 : Multiply large numbers by 1%
Solution error n°1 : Calculate from the bottom up

Error n°2 : Grow too fast
Solution error n°2 : Do not go faster than music

Error n°3 : Focus on partnerships
Solution error n°3 : Focus on sales

Let’s start your business plan together: our goal is to help you succeed!